Search suggestions for Google Inbox: now available

Erik Munson
Published in
1 min readMar 31, 2017


You may have noticed us adding even more of InboxSDK’s features to Google Inbox since launching an initial set of APIs in January. Today, we’re adding another feature to that growing list: search autocomplete suggestions.

Apps using InboxSDK can provide autocomplete suggestions to users while they type in the search box. Suggestions can have icons, include custom HTML, and trigger a variety of actions. They’re great for providing quick access to parts of your app or surfacing things that would’ve been tedious to discover without searching. Now that search suggestions are supported in Inbox, you can achieve the same experience across both Gmail and Inbox without writing separate code.

Get up and running

If you’ve never used search suggestions before, you can get started by checking out the docs for Search.registerSearchSuggestionsProvider(). If you’re already using suggestions in Gmail, your code should work without any modifications provided it’s not using any Gmail-only features — just follow the instructions for enabling Inbox support.

We’re continuing to add features to Inbox, so stay tuned for more updates. If you have questions or feedback, head over to our Google Group.

